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Organic silicon benefits

Release Time: 2023-12-19 11:09:25

Organic silicon benefits

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Silicon, with the chemical symbol Si and atomic number 14, constitutes approximately 26% of the Earth's crust. While it is abundant, silicon is not found in its free form in nature, but rather in compound form with other elements.

Adult human bodies contain about 7g of silicon, concentrated in various tissues such as the skin, arteries, and thymus. It is an essential trace element for health, obtained mainly from dietary sources like mineral water, whole grains, legumes, lettuce, vegetables, and almonds.

Silicon exists in two primary forms in our environment: Mineral silicon: 

found in sand and certain rocks (quartz, feldspar, amethyst), and is not water-soluble, making it difficult for the body to absorb. Organic silicon: derived from the metabolic processes of mineral silicon by plant roots. It is also synthetically produced in the laboratory and is water-soluble, offering better bioavailability.

Benefits of Organic Silicon

Enhanced Skin Radiance: Organic silicon helps reduce wrinkles, maintain skin hydration, and promote youthful and radiant skin. It also contributes to healthy nails and hair.

Bone Mineralization Support: As a crucial component of bones and connective tissues, organic silicon supports calcium binding and is present at bone boundaries, influencing bone strength.

Immune System Support: The thymus, an important immune organ, contains significant amounts of silicon and plays a role in the maturation of T lymphocytes.

Cardiovascular Health: Organic silicon is closely associated with the production of elastic proteins and may regulate vascular elasticity, which is crucial for cardiovascular health.

Wound Healing: Some studies suggest that organic silicon may aid in the wound healing process by promoting tissue regeneration and reducing scarring.

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Metal Detoxification: Research suggests a potential "buffering" effect of silicon on aluminum accumulation in tissues, which is important as high doses of aluminum can be toxic and contribute to certain neurological diseases.

Industrial Applications: Beyond personal care, organic silicon is utilized in various industrial applications, including as a component in sealants, adhesives, and coatings due to its durability and resistance to extreme conditions.

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